- See our current and past annual reports.
- See our Ethics Policy.
- See our Appraisal Policy.
- View the Land Trust's charity rating on Guidestar, which also includes copies of our 990 form.
The Land Trust's Board of Directors oversees the strategic direction of the organization. Directors are tasked with ensuring that the Land Trust's work does in fact provide a public good and that it is carried out professionally and ethically. The Land Trust holds itself to high standards and towards that end we have policies that outline conflicts of interest, confidentiality and other important matters.
To publicly demonstrate our commitment to high standards, the Land Trust has become a nationally accredited land trust. To become accredited, the Deschutes Land Trust underwent an independent audit by the the Land Trust Accreditation Commission. Accreditation ensures that the Land Trust's conservation efforts meet national standards for excellence, upholding public trust, and protecting lands permanently.
For information on land trust accreditation, visit the Land Trust Accreditation Commission.