Monarch butterflies and other native pollinators like bees, bats, and moths play important roles in the natural world. Some pollinators—like the monarch butterfly—are struggling to thrive here in Central Oregon. The good news is you can help by planting your own pollinator garden! Here are some suggestions on native plants to add to your pollinator garden—whether it's in your yard, garden, or on your balcony.
Other common names: Western red currant
An early spring blooming shrub that grows up to six feet tall, wax currant has white or pale pink flowers that hang in clusters at the tips of its branches. It attracts a large number of native bees as well as hummingbirds. Wax currant enjoys full sun in dry to moist well-drained soil and is not tolerant of shade.
Bloom time: Early spring
Other common names: Western blue flax
This spring blooming blue-purple flower is a showstopper! Flax forms a mound of densely clustered, thin stems that grow 8-24 inches tall. Lewis flax prefers sun and moist to dry, sandy or rocky soil. It makes an excellent choice for rocky gardens and containers. They will self-sow once established. Lewis flax attracts butterflies and bees.
Bloom time: Late spring - early summer
Other common names: Linear-leaved phacelia, narrow-leafed phacelia
A pop of bright color in its typical sandy soils! Threadleaf phacelia has wide, bowl-shaped flowers up to 1/3" across. The flower is white to pale blue in the center with purple edges. Its stem is coated in hairs. They grow 3-20 inches tall. Plant threadleaf phacelia in full sun to partial afternoon sun. Native bees, butterflies, and moths are fond of these blooms.
Bloom time: Late spring - early summer
Native iris, with small purple flowers that bloom in early summer. Full sun to partial shade, 8-12” tall. Needs moist to wet soil.
Bloom time: Early summer
Bright blue flowers top this native that blooms early-midsummer. Up to 40” tall, full sun to partial shade, moist soil.
Bloom time: Early-midsummer
Other common names: Orange globe mallow
This showy native has beautiful bright orange blooms and sage-colored to dark green leaves. Grows 8-32 inches tall. It does well in dry or rocky soils, especially volcanic soils. Globemallow attracts many species of bees, including some which require pollen and nectar only from this plant!
Bloom time: Summer
Other common names: Crimson columbine, red columbine, scarlet columbine, Sitka columbine
A well-known and loved flower in Central Oregon, western columbine has distinct bright red flowers with some yellow that hang upside down. Flowers have 5 spurs with rounded tips. Plant grows 8-48 inches tall. Western columbine loves open to partly shaded areas with moist soil, but can tolerate drier soil. It easily reseeds itself. It is very popular with hummingbirds and butterflies!
Bloom time: Summer
Other common names: Showy Townsendia
Bees, butterflies, and other insects love this short daisy. Plants have 18-30 pink, pale lavender, or white ray flowers. The stems are leafy, often branched, and grow 2-8 inches. Showy Townsendia daisies enjoy full sun and are drought tolerant. They can grow in gravelly and sandy locations.
Bloom time: Summer
Other common names: Pearhip rose, interior rose, western wild rose
Delicate, deep pink to rose blooms make this flower a delight to have in your garden! Shrub grows 3-6 feet tall with many branches. Like most roses, it has thorns on its stems. Flowers have 5 petals that are around 1 inch long. Woods' rose likes part shade to full sun and moderate to high water. Birds especially like the rosehips, and the flowers are beneficial to native bees, caterpillars, butterflies, and moths.
Bloom time: Summer
Other common names: Low beardtongue
This native penstemon has bright blue flowers that grow on stems 4-10 inches tall from basal rosettes. It is drought tolerant and enjoys full sun. There are many native penstemons; pick a color that suits your garden and complements other bloom times. Hummingbirds, butterflies, and native bees all love these blooms.
Bloom time: Summer
Other common names: Many depending on the variety!
There are many kinds of native lupine. Plant sizes range from short, low-growing varieties that like dry soils, to tall bushes that would grow along a river. Most flowers are purple, blue, or lavender. Lupine typically grow on erect stems coming from basal leaves. Pick your favorite to complement bloom times of your other garden plants. Lupine attract butterflies and bees.
Bloom time: Summer
Other common names: None
As its name implies, this native milkweed has showy rose-purple flowers in late summer. Leaves are widely oblong with the plant growing 18-36 inches tall. Milkweed likes sun and can handle less water. It grows via rhizomes, so be careful because it will spread! Milkweed attracts hummingbirds, butterflies (it's a host plant for monarchs!), moths, and native bees, including the western bumble bee (a species of conservation concern in the West).
Bloom time: Summer
Other common names: Western yarrow, milfoil
Common yarrow has flat-topped clusters of small white blooms that can also be pink or purple. It grows 1-2 feet tall with fern-like, fuzzy leaves. Common yarrow grows in damp to dry soil and is drought tolerant. Deep roots often help with erosion. It spreads through rhizomes, so be careful! This is a pollinator workhorse with birds, bees, butterflies, and moths all enjoying its blooms.
Bloom time: Summer
Tall native with pink flowers on spires that bloom in summer. Grows 2-4’ tall. Plant in sun to partial shade, moist soil.
Bloom time: Summer
Other common names: Narrow-leafed milkweed, Mexican whorled milkweed
Central Oregon's other native milkweed, it has narrow leaves like its name suggests. It grows 12-36 inches tall and has white to lavender colored flowers. Plant it in full sun and well-drained soil. It is drought tolerant. Narrowleaf milkweed also spreads via rhizomes, so be careful where you decide to plant it! Native bees love this milkweed! Planting both types of milkweed together is also beneficial to monarchs.
Bloom time: Summer - fall
Other common names: None
A low-growing, drought tolerant native. Snow buckwheat has sage green leaves, tall stems that are covered with white hairs, and white or light pink flowers. Flowers cover this 20 inch tall plant and provide late-season food for native bees and butterflies. Snow buckwheat enjoys rocky soils.
Bloom time: Late summer - fall
Other common names: None
This aster family native is covered with bright purple ray flowers. Plants grow 6-30 inches tall with diffuse branching, making them a little bushy. Hoary asters like dry soils and limited water. They are visited by sweat and honey bees as well as cabbage white butterflies and moths.
Bloom time: Late summer - fall
Other common names: Meadow goldenrod
A 2-5 foot tall plant topped with a large club-shaped cluster of yellow flower heads that blooms in early fall. Goldenrod spreads via rhizomes, so plant carefully! It likes full to part shade, medium water, and tolerates a variety of soil types. Goldenrod provides nectar for bees, monarchs, hummingbirds, and other insects.
Bloom time: Late summer - fall
Bright yellow clusters of blooms on this 3-16” tall native. Full sun, dry soils. Blooms summer through fall, sometimes turning rusty, orange-red as they age.
Bloom time: Late summer - fall
With these suggestions, you can have a beautiful, colorful garden that lasts the entire season and is beneficial to our pollinator friends. Happy gardening!
Learn more:
- Visit the Land Trust's monarch and pollinator hub
- Central Oregon native wildflower bloom times