Amanda Egertson is the Land Trust’s Stewardship Director. She oversees the management of all of the Land Trust's protected lands. Amanda has extensive experience in outreach and interpretation, and an M.S. in Animal Ecology with a focus on songbirds and butterflies.
Amanda Egertson (pronouns: she/her/hers) is the Deschutes Land Trust’s Stewardship Director. Amanda joined the Land Trust in 2004 and oversees the management of all of the Land Trust's protected lands. She lives and works in Bend. Amanda has a B.A. in Elementary Education and Music and an M.S. in Animal Ecology, with a research focus on songbirds and butterflies. She leads butterfly tours on Land Trust Preserves and guides the Land Trust's work with regional monarch and pollinator conservation.
Amanda serves on the board of Western Monarch Advocates and participates in annual North American Butterfly Association counts throughout Central Oregon. She and her family spend their free time exploring Oregon's great outdoors and scuba diving tropical waters.