Photo: Caitlin Eddolls.

Hike Leaders

Questions? Contact our team!

Do you have questions, kudos, or other feedback? Let us know:
Aaron Jenkins Aaron Jenkins

Aaron Jenkins has lived in Central Oregon since 2018 and leads bird walks for the Land Trust.

Amanda Egertson Amanda Egertson

Amanda Egertson is the Land Trust’s Stewardship Director. She oversees the management of all of the Land Trust's protected lands. Amanda has extensive experience in outreach and interpretation, and an M.S. in Animal Ecology with a focus on songbirds and butterflies.

Amy Sanchez Amy Sanchez

Amy Sanchez is an avid birder and leads bird walks for the Land Trust.

Becky Burchell Becky Burchell

Becky Burchell is a specialist in fisheries of Central Oregon. She leads fish walks for the Land Trust.

Carol Moorehead Carol Moorehead

Carol Moorehead has lived in Central Oregon since 1976. She is a certified Oregon Master Naturalist who leads wildflower hikes for the Land Trust.

Coleen Pidgeon Coleen Pidgeon

Coleen Pidgeon has a background in biology and enjoys sharing her passion of nature.

Daniele McKay Daniele McKay

Daniele McKay is a geologist who studies recent volcanic activity in Central Oregon and teaches at University of Oregon.

David Miller David Miller

David Miller likes to enliven his wild plant tours with stories, history, Native American uses, principles of botany, and even some evolutionary theory.

David Weilmuenster David Weilmuenster

David Weilmuenster is an avid plant lover who leads a variety of outings for the Land Trust.

Derek Loeb Derek Loeb

Derek Loeb is a retired geophysicist who moved to Bend in 2011. He leads geology hikes for the Land Trust.

Gabriel Juarez Gabriel Juarez

Gabriel Juarez is the Land Trust's Stewardship Associate. Gabriel works with our stewardship team, maintaining and improving the infrastructure and trails at Land Trust Preserves.

Gary Gustafson Gary Gustafson

Gary is a native Oregonian who enjoys beginning each day at home with a walk along the nearby Metolius River. He leads tours on fish and wildlife.

Jen Zalewski Jen Zalewski

Jen Zalewski is the Land Trust's Stewardship Manager. She is responsible for assisting with conservation and restoration at Land Trust protected lands.

Jim Hammond Jim Hammond

Jim has been interested in astronomy since he was very young and watched his father build a telescope. He leads the Land Trust's star parties.

Kara Jakse Kara Jakse

Kara Jakse leads bird walks for the Land Trust and volunteers surveying birds at Land Trust protected lands.

Karen Walsh Karen Walsh

Karen Walsh develops and delivers conservation education programs for families and youth for the Land Trust.

Kolby Kirk Kolby Kirk

Kolby Kirk is a writer, artist, photographer, and outdoorsman.

Kris Knight Kris Knight

Kris Knight is the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council executive director.

Leslie Olson Leslie Olson

Leslie Olson has lived in Bend for more than 30 years. She enjoys all things natural and has been a tour leader with the Land Trust since 2010.