Photo: Douglass Beall.

2019 Blog Posts

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Ticks in Central Oregon Ticks in Central Oregon

Spring is here and warmer weather means it’s time to dust off those hiking boots and hit the trails for some fresh air, epic views, and…ticks.

Ways to Get Outdoors that are Not Hiking Ways to Get Outdoors that are Not Hiking

The Land Trust is excited to celebrate Get Outdoors Day with organizations throughout Oregon. There are many ways we love to get outdoors, and hiking is only one of them. Read on for more ways to enjoy our lands that don't involve hiking.

Spring Sightings Spring Sightings

From the field, here's a sneak peek into what kinds of life have been stirring lately on Land Trust Preserves.

The Great American Campout The Great American Campout

Summer is here and with it comes camping season! Spending the night out in nature is a great way to connect with your family and learn more about the plants and animals that live in your region--even if you do it in your own backyard!

Summer Reading in Central Oregon Summer Reading in Central Oregon

In the heat of summer, nothing brings relief like finding a shady spot to settle in and read a good book. Take a peek at what our staff are reading this summer and the preserves with their favorite reading spots.

Central Oregon's Starry Night Sky, Part 1 Central Oregon's Starry Night Sky, Part 1

Whether you're 7 or 77, there is just something incredible about looking up at the night sky and observing those tiny orbs of light that are so far away from our own planet. Learn more about constellations in Central Oregon's summer sky with our guide.

Fire in Central Oregon Fire in Central Oregon

Fire season is a reality in Central Oregon. Learn how human-caused climate change is increasing the threat of smoke and fire in our community.

The Butterfly Egg Extravaganza The Butterfly Egg Extravaganza

The Deschutes Land Trust has recently gotten involved with an incredible event occurring in Brookings, Oregon this summer. And it all has to do with monarch butterflies!

Searching for Chinook Searching for Chinook

Last month, the Land Trust's Jana Hemphill went out to the Whychus Canyon Preserve restoration area to look for Chinook salmon.