Photo: Douglass Beall.

2019 Blog Posts

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Building a Fairy House Building a Fairy House

Where do fairies live? In a house, of course! Learn how to build a fairy house in 3 easy steps!

Sockeye and kokanee in Central Oregon Sockeye and kokanee in Central Oregon

If you visit the Metolius River or its side creeks in the fall, you'll undoubtedly see an influx of kokanee who have spawned and are now finishing their life cycle. What's a kokanee and how is it different from sockeye? We've got your answers! Local fish biologist Megan Hill offers a guest blog post on the broader story of kokanee and sockeye in Central Oregon.

A Winter Scavenger Hunt A Winter Scavenger Hunt

Don't let the winter cold keep you and your family inside. Enjoy the natural world with a winter scavenger hunt!