Stabilizing the Hindman Barn. Photo: Land Trust.

Hindman Springs Restoration at Camp Polk Meadow Preserve

Jan 08, 2018 by Sarah Mowry
The Land Trust has embarked on a multi-year project to restore the Hindman Springs portion of Camp Polk Meadow Preserve. Projects include historic preservation and interpretation and native plant restoration. Learn more...

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In August of 2017, the Land Trust began a new preservation and restoration project at Camp Polk Meadow Preserve. The Hindman Springs Preservation and Restoration project is a multi-year project to preserve and restore this historic portion of the property. Our goals:

  1. Hindman Springs Trail Upgrade: Remove the old bark-chipped trail and replace with a gravel trail. Replace the footbridge over the springs. This work was completed in August of 2017. Learn more.

  2. Historic resource preservation: The Hindman barn and homestead are the only remaining structures from one of the historic stopping places along the Santiam Wagon Road. Our goal is to stabilize the Hindman Barn and preserve the remaining portion of the Hindman home. Barn stabilization and Hindman home work were complete in January of 2018. Learn more.

  3. Historic resource interpretation: We are in the process of developing interpretive signs and a brochure to tell the story of Hindman Station and the Santiam Wagon Road. Stay tuned for these new materials in the fall of 2018.

  4. Native plant restoration: The Hindman Springs portion of the Preserve was an active ranch and homestead for nearly 150 years. We are currently working to restore some of the native plants that would have historically been around the springs. The first step: solarize the weeds! Then, we planted native plants and spread native seed in the fall of 2018.

Many thanks to the Oregon Community Foundation Historic Trails Fund, the Roundhouse Foundation, the Laird Norton Foundation, East Cascade Audubon Society, and private donors for making the Hindman Springs Area Preservation and Restoration possible.

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