Photo: Land Trust.

Juniper Thinning Begins at Priday Ranch

Apr 09, 2023 by Jana Hemphill
The Land Trust recently thinned more juniper trees at Priday Ranch.

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The Land Trust has started the second phase of thinning junipers at Priday Ranch. Like many parts of Central Oregon, juniper trees grow at Priday Ranch in a greater abundance than they would have historically. This past month, we thinned ~245 acres at Priday Ranch. Certain areas were left with more juniper, while others were thinned more extensively, creating a mosaic of densities, which resembles a more historical landscape. Thinned trees will be cut and piled later this month, and then this winter, after the cut trees have had a chance to dry out, they will be burned when weather conditions are favorable and permit us to do so safely. All of these steps help ensure that soils and plants in the thinned area are protected and overall disturbance is limited. Watch a recording of the thinning process!


Our juniper thinning at Priday Ranch provides many benefits. It will increase the amount of available water for native grasses and wildflowers. It will also help reduce fire danger, and, if a fire does occur, improve the land's ability to bounce back afterwards. The older trees left at Priday Ranch also provide important cover for Rocky Mountain elk and mule deer.


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