Photo: Land Trust.

Central Oregon Wildlife

From large mammals like bears and cougars to tiny hummingbirds and butterflies, the diversity of of wildlife in Central Oregon is amazing. Learn more about the wildlife of our region--and at Land Trust Preserves--in the blog posts below.

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Western Monarch Summit Takeaways

Jan 31, 2023
Land Trust stewardship director Amanda Egertson just returned from the International Western Monarch Summit in San Luis Obispo, CA. Learn more about the science and wonder of monarch conservation.

Woodpeckers of Central Oregon

Dec 13, 2022
Now that deciduous leaves have fallen off the trees, winter might be the easiest time for spotting woodpeckers. Let’s brush up on a few of the woodpeckers that call Central Oregon home!

Fall Wildlife Wanderings

Dec 08, 2022
Land Trust Preserves were busy this fall—with wildlife! We saw a variety of creatures, from bears, cougars, and elk to songbirds, bobcats, and coyotes. Check out our latest wildlife wanderings!