Photo: Joan Amero.

Coffer Ranch

A 492 acre private ranch on Mill Creek east of Prineville, Oregon.
  • Private property; not open to the public.
Hindman Springs Area open during daylight hours, year round.

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Coffer Ranch is a large ranch in the Mill Creek valley east of Prineville, Oregon. The Land Trust worked with the owners of Coffer Ranch in 2010 to permanently protect 492 acres of this ranchland and its important wildlife habitat.

  • Highlights

    Bitterroot. Photo: Land Trust.
    Bitterroot. Photo: Land Trust.
    Coffer Ranch is private property and is not publicly accessible. From time to time the Land Trust arranges special tours of this property. Property highlights include:

    Wildflowers: Spring wildflowers abound at Coffer Ranch. Enjoy colorful regulars like balsamroot and lupine along the canyon slopes. Or, revel in rocky ledge lovers like bitterroot and phlox.

    Mill Creek: The conserved area includes one mile of Mill Creek along with springs and wetlands. Mill creek is home to a host of wildlife species including redband trout, Columbia spotted frogs, and numerous songbirds.

    Unique rock formations: Rocky volcanic cliffs and stone pinnacles rim the Coffer Ranch property. Colorful llchens adorn the cliff face and these unique formations provide nesting habitat for raptors.

  • Conservation Values

    Lichen at Coffer Ranch. Photo: Douglas Vincent.
    Lichen at Coffer Ranch. Photo: Douglas Vincent.
    Coffer Ranch is relatively undeveloped and possesses scenic, agricultural, and wildlife habitat values.

    Habitats found on the property provide nesting habitat for songbirds and foraging habitat for a variety of bat species. Old-growth western juniper woodlands, ponderosa pine woodlands, and native bunchgrass understory, plus cliffs that provide habitat for a variety of bird, bat, and mammal species.

    The property also contains prime and important agricultural soils as defined by the State of Oregon and as mapped by the Natural Resource Conservation Service. Protecting the remaining large private parcels on the creek provides for the best fish and wildlife conservation.



  • Maps

    Coffer Ranch is private property and is not publicly accessible. From time to time the Land Trust arranges special tours of this property. Visit our event page to learn more.